About @Yang-Taotao

CV and Resume Link to heading

Current Interest Link to heading

Exploring interests in using machine learning methods to learn and approximate the template bank densities for gravitational wave analysis.

Education Link to heading

  • 2022-2023 | MSc in Astrophysics | University of Glasgow | Glasgow, Scotland
  • 2017-2021 | BSc in Physics | Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta, Georgia
  • Keywords: Gravitational Waves, Computational Astrophysics, Astrophysics

Languages and Skills Link to heading

  • Language: Chinese (Bilingual) | English (Bilingual)
  • Programming: Python (numpy, scipy, jax, matplotlib) | Linux (Ubuntu) | GitHub | LaTeX | Jupyter
  • Computing: Mathematica
  • Skill: Data Analysis | Scientific Computation | Scientific Writing
  • Software: Darktable | Lightroom | Blender | GIMP | SolidWorks

Hobbies and Interests Link to heading

Aviation | Simulations | Landscape Photography | Cooking | Science Fiction | Hiking | Drama | Cheese